
Asset and Resource Management

Save time and boost productivity. Manage your city’s curbside inventory, from parking meters to dynamic message signs and payment apps, using a single, integrated platform. We reduce the time transportation professionals spend on finding information, trimming operational costs, and boosting productivity, by automatically collecting and disseminating performance data, revenue information, and other vital insights.

Asset Maintenance

Streamline asset management.

  • Real-time data alerts field crews to broken meters for faster repairs.
  • Automated meter bagging instructions for curbside closures save time.
  • Public portal empowers citizens to easily request closures.

Asset Collections

Eliminate manual meter checks. Real-time cash collection data saves time and resources for enforcement personnel.

Asset Inventory

Unifies your curbside data.

  • Integrates all assets (cameras, meters, signs) into one platform.
  • Provides real-time inventory control for informed decisions.
  • Tracks performance and facilitates policy updates for optimal curbside management.