Proven Solutions for Over 20 Years.

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What We Do
Trellint support local authorities and service providers to deliver award winning parking enforcement operations.
Parking Technology
A full suite of software to provide notice processing for penalty charges, managing and administering permits, handheld enforcement software, payment integrations, comprehensive reporting functionality, and public facing websites.

Fixed Cameras
Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA) approved enforcement camera, including a real time integrated exemption list and pricing engine. The solutions are utilised for Clean Air Zones (CAZ), Zero Emission Zones (ZEZ), Moving Traffic Enforcement (MTE) and bus lane enforcement.

Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR)
Electric mopeds are equipped with Trellint ANPR camera systems to act as a spotter vehicle to support parking operations both in real time and to support the development of data-driven deployment plans.

Managing the Workforce
Leveraging data analytics capabilities, Trellint can support our clients in the development of deployment plans in the management of their workforce. Using historic parking trends, occupancy and compliance data, to drive operational efficiencies

Operational data has immense value when interpreted by qualified experts. Therefore, Trellint offers an analytics service where our experts can assess data to inform policy and decision-making.